Nursing Practice and Research is a nursing science and technology journal, which is a series of journals of Chinese Physicians' Association under the supervision of Hebei Provincial Health and Wellness Committee and sponsored by Hebei Provincial Children's Hospital. It is included in the full text of China Journal Full Text Database, Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database and Wanfang Data-Digital Journal Group, and is openly distributed both at home and abroad; Issue No.: ISSN1672-9676, CN13-1352/R; Semi-Monthly, Large 16; Postal Code: 18-112.More

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Fund project labeling method

Nursing Practice and Research Magazine Shijiazhuang Co., Ltd.

If the topics involved in the paper are national or ministry or provincial funds or research projects, they should be marked with "fund project" at the foot of the home page of the article, the name of the fund project should be filled in according to the official name stipulated by the relevant state departments, multiple fund projects should be listed in turn, and the period should be ";" Separate. Fund project footnote format, such as "Fund Project: Fund Project name (project number)".

