Statistical table is a kind of professional table to express statistical data and indicators, is a mathematical data after statistical arrangement, and is a concise and standardized scientific language. The design of statistical tables in scientific and technological journals requires the use of three-line tables (top line, column line, bottom line), each statistical table consists of table sequence, table title, item column, table body, table notes, table sequence should be coded according to the order in which it appears in the text, table title is also the subject of the table, and the content of the table should be fully explained. Explanatory text in the notes should be placed in the notes below the table, and all non-public abbreviations used in the table should be noted in the notes. The data in the table requires the same index to have the same effective digit, which is generally determined by 1/3 of the standard deviation.

Nursing Practice and Research is a nursing science and technology journal, which is a series of journals of Chinese Physicians' Association under the supervision of Hebei Provincial Health and Wellness Committee and sponsored by Hebei Provincial Children's Hospital. It is included in the full text of China Journal Full Text Database, Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database and Wanfang Data-Digital Journal Group, and is openly distributed both at home and abroad; Issue No.: ISSN1672-9676, CN13-1352/R; Semi-Monthly, Large 16; Postal Code: 18-112.More