Nursing Practice and Research is a nursing science and technology journal, which is a series of journals of Chinese Physicians' Association under the supervision of Hebei Provincial Health and Wellness Committee and sponsored by Hebei Provincial Children's Hospital. It is included in the full text of China Journal Full Text Database, Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database and Wanfang Data-Digital Journal Group, and is openly distributed both at home and abroad; Issue No.: ISSN1672-9676, CN13-1352/R; Semi-Monthly, Large 16; Postal Code: 18-112.More

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Abstract and keywords writing requirements

Nursing Practice and Research Magazine Shijiazhuang Co., Ltd.

Research and analysis articles should be accompanied by abstract in English and Chinese, and the abstract format should be written in structural form, including 4 elements of research purpose, method, results and conclusions. The abstract is written in the third person without graphs, tables, chemical structures, non-public symbols and terms, no charts, no references, no explanations and comments. The Chinese abstract is about 300 Chinese characters, and the English abstract is about 400 content words. The English abstract usually corresponds to the Chinese abstract. The English abstract should include title, author's name, company name, city name, postal code and country name.

Keywords are words or terms used to represent the subject content information entry, and the nouns approved by the National Committee of Natural Science nouns and selected from the Medical Subject Word List (MeSH) and the Medical Subject Word Annotation Sequence Table should be used for indexing. The key words of Chinese medicine should be selected from the Chinese Medicine thesaurus compiled by the Institute of Chinese Medicine Information, China Academy of Chinese Medicine. The article with the abstract should mark 3~8 keywords below the content of the abstract, and the theme word should be selected first, and the new professional term (free word) that is not included in the glossary can be used directly as the keyword, sorted at the end.

